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Tobias Sontheimer

Head: Energy and Information
Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB)

Gq FaviconProject and Scientific Lead, Management and Coordination, Maximisation of project impacts, Exploitation and Innovation Strategies

Dr. Tobias Sontheimer

Tobias leads the Strategy Department for Energy and Information at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin and co-leads the GreenQUEST project. Over the past fifteen years, he has been dedicated to developing strategies to reshape the energy sector. At HZB, he drives research and technology development, focusing on solar energy and green H2-based technologies.

Tobias’ expertise in GreenQUEST? Tobias’ profound technological and systemic understanding of the energy sector is critical to successful strategy development. With broad experience working with stakeholders in academia, industry, and politics, he is passionate about fostering innovative international partnerships to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, carbon-free future.

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